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Happy 2016! - Suzane Northrop

Happy 2016!

Happy 2016!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2016, where we enter a new cycle.

In numerology, 2016 is a number 9 year. The World Year Number (also called the Universal Year Number) is a single-digit number that represents the energy for everyone over a given year; 2016 is a 9 Year, because 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9. The Number 9 promotes completion. It signals a time to wrap things up and bring them to a conclusion. The year 2016 is a time to consider what has not been working in your life, and to begin doing things a little differently. To be clear, this is the Universal year. For your own personal year, you need to account for the month and day of your birth. However we are all still affected by the Universal number.

According to Glynis McCants, the 9 World Year Number also promotes being more selfless. Realize that if we do not all work together, we will pay a heavy price. Mother Theresa, Ghandi, and Yogananda were all 9 Life Paths, and the ways in which they lived their lives are perfect examples of the selflessness to which I am referring.

With all this in mind, if you can volunteer to help others in this 9 World Year, it would be a very good idea. You will find that the more you do for others in this particular year, the happier you will be. I mentioned in my latest newsletter that we live longer, healthier, and more enriched lives when we do service. And we all have the perfect opportunity to do that right now.

I believe the recent Paris talks where representatives from around the world met to discuss climate change is a good way to begin a 9 year, by looking to give back to Mother Earth – she who feeds us, clothes us, and houses us.

I personally have always loved cycles, as I do seasons because it’s during these times that we become more conscious of ourselves and relect on our lives – spirituality, mentally and physically. By reflecting, we can see opportunities for changing ourselves in every aspect of our lives. We can look to see what works or doesn’t work for us, which of course includes interacting with loved ones in our life.

Now is the perfect time to reflect on last year, especially if you have to deal emotionally with the loss of a loved one. Was it a parent, partner, sibling, relative or friend, or a furry companion? Each one of these kinds of losses can affect us all differently, and are an instant reminder that life can change in a heartbeat. An appropriate approach when going into a 9 year.

Of course, with one door closes, a new door opens. This is especially true if you had to deal with a loved one through and illness, or having had to sell their house, or go through their things. In such situations, you are sure to come upon memories, some good, maybe some not . . . but memories nonetheless. This can be a life-changing event but perhaps in a wonderful way if it says to you, for example, “I’m not going to wait any longer to go for my dream job, or take that trip I’ve always to take, or save a bit more money, or do [whatever].” We would never move ahead or make important decisions in our lives if not faced with challenges. Positive change is always good for the soul, and for our soul’s growth, even if that change is ignited by the loss of a loved one.

A dear friend of mine who lost her husband of thirty years decided that after his death, she was going to do what they had planned together, a road trip across the country. They had dreamed of this upon his retirement which was still several years away when he passed, but she decided she was going to travel since it was really what she wanted to do anyway. It is now four months later, and she is only halfway though her journey, and loving every minute of Motel 6 life! Her kids think that she has lost her mind. But I think she finally found it by doing something she always wanted to do and never had the chance! She’s hinted she might even sell her house, and move, which would be one very big deal indeed! What a perfect example of how to begin a 9 year! And something to be grateful for.

On that note, go ahead and rock into 2016. Dream and do the dream, for that’s what dreams are for. And don’t forget is that dreams are the most common way our loved ones in spirit make contact.

On my Blog Talk Radio show on January 11th, I’m going to have on Emmanuel Dagher, talking about his his book: Easy, Breezy Prosperity. Are you looking for a boost in prosperity? Then don’t miss that show!

See you all in my travels: To the South (Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee), Chicago, California, and of course my beloved Northeast.

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Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the monthly Ask Suzane column! Here, you have the chance to submit questions directly to Suzane to answer. We may also choose yours to be read/featured in her monthly podcast, Dead Peoples’ Society!

* Due to high volumes, your question may take time to be answered via email from Suzane. We will reach out if yours is picked to be featured on the podcast. Have questions? Email us at