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Springtime Reflections and Connections - Suzane Northrop

Springtime Reflections and Connections

Springtime Reflections and Connections

It’s May! Time to smell the flowers!

Of course, joy will be more tempered for us here in the Northeast this season, in light of recent events, including the wonderful people of Boston being victimized at their beloved Marathon, and the lockdown that followed. Tragically, it was a reminder of how life can change in a moment, or “on a dime,” as the old expression has it.

I had been asked last year if I would do a fund raiser in the Boston area for Liam Nation, a organization that helps children with Down syndrome and autism. Hey, I love Boston and do a couple of events a year there, and since this is a great cause, I agreed.

As fate would have it, my appearance there turned out to be right after the bombing. It was touch and go for a while whether I’d be able to get into the Boston area, but one thing I knew for sure: Boston needed all the healing it could receive during this time. So I persevered and fortunately was able to get thru.

I couldn’t help but feel a special connection to the people of Boston as the tragedy came with such an intensity, bringing me back to the unspeakable 9/11 horrors in New York City over a decade ago. Back then, and in Boston recently, so many people did manage to bond together to help heal their cities.

Once again, it is the loved ones left here in the physical realm who must deal with the loss and pain, and to make sense of it all. And once again, I get emails about my book, Everything Happens for a Reason. People ask, what was the reason for this tragedy?

My response is always the same. I can’t give you the specific reasons for everything that happens, but what this is about is our own souls’ processes and journeys.

And of course it could have been worse. I heard one officer say that although it was so painful for those who were directly victimized, and their families and friends, many more might have been injured or killed. Indeed, I got to speak to a number of families and connected to those who had lost limbs. Courageously, they said that they were happy to be alive.

As you know, my work is about the living – those who are still here, processing their pain and grief. It is important to remember that our loved ones who have crossed over are fine and well on the Other Side. We who are left here actually have the tougher job.

It helps to know deep in our souls that we don’t die, and that our loved ones want us to open our hearts to them, and to watch and listen for the signs they will send. We just have to work at being open. We have to figure out the way or the ways DP (dead person) contact works for us, and let it happen. Trust me, they are many ways, as I discuss in my books.

Remember, the more you are open to communication to the Other Side, the better the chances of maximizing your DP connections. Love is the vehicle. Heed the words of John Lennon: “All you need is Love.”

In closing, please let me note that I’m doing my Mothers Day event once again this year for WXLO, outside Boston. I hope to see many of you there. I also look forward to returning to Chicago and Denver.

Thank you all who attended my Connecticut event, which is always so special.

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