Going through breast cancer with my mother, who is a survivor, thoughts of loss are always very present in my life. Recently through my work and personal life I’ve gotten phone calls from close friends about their mothers passing from Cancer.
In my book “Everything Happens for a Reason” I wrote about a yearly convention that happens in October: Motherless Daughters. It was by “coincidence” that I happened to be on book tour when the convention was being held. Interestingly enough I was on book tour for my 3rd book, and was finishing up “Everything Happens for a Reason” while being in the hotel during the conference.
In my book I had just written the section on losing a parent, when I came across Hope Edelmans’ article on her book. The passage I remember reading was that there is something about the loss of a mother that affects us on a very deep level. There is a real sense of loss of a part of ourselves. We have lost the primary role model for womanhood.
When a woman loses her mother before she reaches maturity, she’ll always wonder how different her life might have been if her mother had lived. It will effect her thoughts on having children of her own, should she have children and will she herself die young. Whatever her reaction to the loss, you can be sure it will impact her life on so many levels for her entire life.
Excerpt from “Everything Happens for a Reason” Suzane Northrop