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Merry May - Suzane Northrop

Merry May

Merry May

Welcome to the merry month of May!  Finally!  As I’ve acknowledged many times, May is my favorite month of the year.  This year probably more so than ever, since Mr. Old Man Winter so stubbornly refused to leave the Northeast, leaving so many of us here in my neck of the woods chilled to the bone by his frosty touch!  I hope it was warmer where you are.

I did manage to escape the Northeast for a little while recently, spending a refreshing week in London where the weather was surprisingly sunny every day.  I was there for all the pre-event celebrations surrounding the royal wedding, although I had to leave before the actually ceremony.  But trust me…those wedding vibes were all around for that entire week, wherever you went.  Energy is like that, emanating from its source and permeating everywhere.

This fairytale wedding seemed to be just what many of us needed-a blast of wonderful, positive, energy.  Thousands came to London just for the event, according to the newspaper reporters I talked to.  This festive occasion was such a welcome relief from all the negative news we are inundated with daily, if not hourly.  Mostly we never hear of all the wonderful things that are going on in the world, or all the wonderful people who are performing good deeds, day in and day out.  But there was no missing the royal wedding!

Before going to England, I had the distinct privilege and honor of working in Den Haag, Holland, which is about forty-five minutes outside of Amsterdam.  The folks there hadn’t been exposed to many American mediums, and none from New York City.  Which helped explain why they were so anxious to witness and understand what we spiritually-minded folks here in the States often take for granted.

The Den Haag audience was comprised of reserved people, who were very polite, and who wholeheartedly embraced me as I connected them to their loved ones in Spirit.  The Dutch, as you may know, speak English for the most part, so I was able to effectively impart a good deal of spiritual information, which they easily grasped and absorbed.  Very wonderful for me to be able to help them make the leap and connection to the Other Side, and have them realize that our loved ones there are always in our hearts, ready to connect with us if and when we remain open.  Indeed, that connection of Love is still the most powerful and wonderful force in the Universe, no matter where you go.

Love can touch everyone, which was reflected during the wedding of Wills and Kate.  The way this magical couple radiated, everyone could feel their love for one another.  Which is akin to what happens in a room when someone is receiving a message from a loved one in Spirit.  You can feel that connection of Love even if the message is not for you-as many have experienced.

Reminder: This Sunday May 8 is  “Mothers Day.”  To all those who care for the world and touch so many lives,  I applaud you!  And that includes not only those women who have children, but all female caretakers of every stripe, everywhere.

I will be doing a Mothers Day tribute event sponsored by WXLO on Friday May 6th in Worcester Massachusetts.  This is my third year and if the first two are any guide, there will be a room full of Love and connection.  If you can’t be there in person, there is the magic of internet streaming-a whole new way we can all be part of the experience of Love. Check out my website ( for the details and then please tune in and share in the celebration of “mothers” everywhere-on this plane and in Spirit.

So…Happy Month of May.  Get outside and smell the flowers.  Spring is here, finally!  Take a walk in the woods, by the sea, or in a park.  Experience Nature, another form of Love that can open your mind and heart.

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Ask Suzane!

Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the monthly Ask Suzane column! Here, you have the chance to submit questions directly to Suzane to answer. We may also choose yours to be read/featured in her monthly podcast, Dead Peoples’ Society!

* Due to high volumes, your question may take time to be answered via email from Suzane. We will reach out if yours is picked to be featured on the podcast. Have questions? Email us at