Monday, June 12, 2023
6:00 pm EDT - 7:00 pm EDT
Thanks to the development of the mind and intellect, human progress on this planet has been rapid and powerful. We are advanced in terms of physical understanding and technology. However, the same cannot be said of our spiritual development. The average person lacks practical understanding of the Self and the high teachings of the Great World Servers. Our talk today will discuss the practical, applied study of metaphysics and basic spiritual education which is a core tenant of the evolving human life. It is through rigorous understanding of the basics that lasting progress may be made by any individual.
About Gino
Gino is a spiritual seeker and educator whose ideal is to spread and normalize spiritual education into the public. Currently, he furthers his spiritual growth through practicing as a student, teacher, and director for the School of Metaphysics, a non-denomination mystery school whose ideal is to help any person willing to put forth the effort to become a Whole-Functioning Self. His dream is to become a professor of comparative religion and study the source of all religion and spirituality.
TUNE IN HERE at 6pm ET on April 3rd, 2023.