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A Time for Giving Thanks - Suzane Northrop

A Time for Giving Thanks

A Time for Giving Thanks

Welcome to the month of Thanksgiving, a time for giving thanks, and perhaps feeling the need to give back for the blessings we have.

As we approach the holidays, so many emotions come to the surface, along with memories past, and memories in the making.

Memories are personal to each of us, of course, and we all feel varied emotions when reflecting on days gone by, whether moments of sadness as when a loved one who has crossed over is missed, or at times touched in some other way we know is truly important. Wanting so badly to go back to that time when everything seemed right, is commonplace.

It’s been my experience that when our DPs come into our thoughts, a flood of emotions usually rises to the surface. If grief is in play, try to move to a place where your grief will lessen, focusing on the positive memories you had with a loved one who is now on the Other Side. Remember, our DPs want us to be happy.

Those special memories are always with you, and can be be filled with laughter. Maybe you remember having that Thanksgiving dinner when your brother wore that stupid tie to try to impress his new girlfriend. Or maybe that time your sister and her girlfriend tried to create a meal and there was so much smoke in the kitchen that the Fire Department showed up commenting that they were sure you were cooking up something other than dinner!

When we go to those wonderful memories, they can touch and heal our hearts, and once again make us smile. No one can ever take those from you. They are yours to cherish and hold dear.

Some of you may feel very strongly that you don’t want to celebrate the holidays. The thought process being that the times gone by were priceless, and that the present situation is just an empty echo of the past. But, let me preach here for a minute. Don’t you dare give in to that attitude! If you really want to honor those who have passed, then celebrate as they would have wanted you to. Realize that although your DPs may not be here in the physical, they are with you in Spirit. And again, they want you to be happy.

The DPs we honor include, of course, our beloved pets who gave us unconditional love before crossing over. Here’s a story about one. I recently was on a radio show and a techie there was listening to me on the air. The deejay asked me who I thought was going to win the World Series. I try never to make predictions publicly so I said, “I’ll tell you what I think, privately,” and he wrote what I said on a piece of paper for no one else to see. But, as luck or faith would have it, the paper fell onto the floor and the tech guy picked it up and saw that I had said that the Kansas City Royals would win, as would turned out to be accurate later – KC beat the NY Mets. So, the deejay said, “Oh, she meant the first two games,” which was not true – I meant the whole series. Well, the tech guy was already devastated with the Mets having lost Game 1 when they were two outs away from winning on the road. Then everyone shared why he was so devastated. He is a HUGE Met fan and had just lost his beloved dog Shea who had been named after Shea Stadium where the Mets used to play before Citi Field was built. Of course, had I known of the techie’s situation, I would have said nothing. It was still a very raw time for him. To the techie I could only say, “Your dog Shea will be with you always in your heart and if you can listen inward, she’ll be by your side jumping on your bed, during happy times, and there beside you when you are feeling blue.”

As we approach the beginning of the holiday season, know and feel all the love that we want to give and receive. The ability to share and experience love is with us all the time. We need not go further than walking out our front door realizing that every person could use a smile, a kind word, or just a nod hello, all serving as an acknowledgement that you are connecting on a friendly basis. Remember that it doesn’t cost you anything to be courteous and friendly, or to feel positive in your heart toward another. That, my friends, is a part of what Thanksgiving is all about.

Of course, the most poignant message that we all need to be reminded of is, “Do unto others only that which you would have be done unto you.” This is not without limitations of course – it may be that something you would not mind having done unto you is not right for someone else. So overlay this approach with consideration as to whether the person you are addressing is on the same page as you with regard to that which you are considering doing for them.

I personally want to give a HUGE thanks to those who received me at my recent events in California, including Good Day Sacramento. Also thanks to: Pat Walsh on KFBK; WQRC 99.0 “The Q” on the Cape, Karen and Ralphie; K92 Danny and Zack; and as it has been for years, WTIC with Gary Craig and Gang. There are so many more to list, I could go on and on.

To be able to do what I love, and be able to share that love with so many others, here and those beloved ones in Spirit and in our hearts – I am most thankful.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

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