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2018 - An 11/2 Year in Numerology - Suzane Northrop

2018 – An 11/2 Year in Numerology

2018 – An 11/2 Year in Numerology

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2018, an “11” New Year, because 2+0+1+8 = 11.

In numerology, we usually break down the year to one single digit which 2018 would be “2” since 11 (1+1) = 2. However, since in numerology, the master numbers are 11, 22, and 33, the 11 is not broken down into 2. Thus, we are now in an 11 year, not a 2 year!

Interesting to note that the last time we experienced a Universal 11 Year was not that long ago, in 2009 (when Barack Obama became President of the U.S.). However, the previous 11 year was 99 years before that, in 1910 (when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to New York State Senate.) I think it’s safe to predict that 2018 will prove to be significant year for the entire planet.

Master numbers are very important for our learning and growth, and can bring major transformation and learning into our lives. This year, the world will be experiencing all that a Universal 11 has to offer.

Of course, in all of life’s journeys, there is always more than one element that affects us. Yes, we are in a new vibration, but we are equally experiencing new planetary configurations. Specifically, Saturn will be entering Capricorn whose ruler Pluto is currently also in Capricorn. Pluto in Capricorn is about death, ending, and beginnings. It’s about breaking down old outdated structures, which include governments, corporations, and religion. Capricorn is governed by Saturn which rules foundations, structures, and for many of us, our deepest fears. Although structures don’t change overnight, with Saturn in Capricorn there will be shifts in the world and our personal lives, caused by Saturn, the planet of all major changes. I don’t say that any of this will happen overnight, but changes will be will happening.

Those of you who know your astrological charts and/or numerical charts, realize that if you have planets in Capricorn, or planets that are affected by, or interplay with, Capricorn, then you will for sure feel/see/experience these shifts.

Sometimes the changes are sort of like a volcano – we know something is brewing, but we just don’t know when it’s going to erupt.

Change is often hard for most of us. However, for us to grow emotionally, spiritually, in directions that will benefit where or what we want or desire, change is often needed. The beautiful profound changes that could occur in 2018 may not happen without the Universe waving her magical wand, so to speak.

Think of all the aspects and changes in your life that have occurred in the past that would not have happened without that certain something coming out of the blue.

Remember that even dramatic “negative” changes like a loved one’s death, divorce, or the loss of a job or a home – all painful and dramatic – sometimes do trigger positive developments, like the end of suffering, meeting a new love, finding a more rewarding job or more time for ourselves, or even winding up in a better place to live.

Sometimes out-of-the blue events come on like a dam than can no longer hold back the water, and aspects of ourselves that were perhaps being held back end up bursting out. Trusting and having faith, and knowing that there is a reason why even “negative” events occur, will help you deal with the changes.

In any event, be prepared to welcome whatever 2018 brings your way, because the 11-year vibrations and planetary happenings may affect your life even in ways that you could not predict.

Returning to late 2017 for a moment, I have a Christmas story of my own to share – drum roll please! My last event of the year was in Sturbridge, Massachusetts with Thomas John. This was our second event in 2017 and we received a warm and wonderful Massachusetts’ welcoming. The event was in the evening and when I left it was warm but rainy. Since it was an evening, driving back to NY meant I wouldn’t get home until midnight when it was pitch black.

The next morning when I went to go shopping, I was shocked to discover a huge dent in the rear fender of my brand new car. Out of the blue, right? I had to breathe deep as I was a little freaked out. I decided to call the Publick House where Thomas John and I had done our event, to see if there were any security cameras that might have recorded whatever had happened in their parking lot the night before, or to see if anyone had reported hitting my car, or seeing my car get smashed in the parking lot (there was no note on the windshield). There were around 200 people at our event and many others having dinner there as well – it’s a pretty big place. I asked for the manager and he did call me back several hours later but there was nothing to report.

Soon, I started to look on the less ominous side of things – most notably, apparently no one was hurt. I called my insurance company and put in a collision claim for a hit and run. My body shop guy said it would cost at least $3,000 or $4,000 to repair. “Accept it, and try to let it go,” I told myself.

Then on Christmas Eve day, I was driving to see my mother who was in hospital, soon after her having to put her husband in a home on Thanksgiving. My phone rang and the caller I.D. indicated a Connecticut phone number that I didn’t recognize. I answered anyway. A woman on the other end greeted me and then asked, “What’s your license plate number?” I told her and she said, “I believe I hit your car.” She then added that she had put a note on my windshield explaining what had happened and saying to contact here, but she never heard back. (Apparently in the rain, the note had been washed away.) So she called the Public House and got my phone number. She then gave me all her info, adding that she wouldn’t want someone to do that to her car, and not make things right.

It was then that I realized that this was my best Christmas present for 2017 – and it came in out of the blue.

I say over and over that wherever I go, there are many wonderful people everywhere. Thank God for all the good folks in this world who do wonderful things. In my heart, I feel that this is what most of us are about.

After the phone call, I went on my way with a smile. The experience reminded me of what I had written in my Christmas newsletter about the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life,” which presents how each of us can make a big difference in other people’s lives. The phone call changed my mood and made the trip to seeing my mother in the hospital a whole lot easier (she’s okay, by the way, and her husband is doing well in the home). Just another example of things coming out of the blue, changing the road ahead, and happening for a reason.

Once again, extending my thoughts of love and blessings to everyone for a new 2018 vibration!

I look forward to seeing many of you in my upcoming travels again, or for the very first time. I’ll be in Florida, Toronto, Louisana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Missouri to name a few . . . and of course NY, MA and CT. Check out my website to see if I’ll be showing up near you.

Also, Bill Attride, a wonderful Astrologer, will be on my monthly Blog Talk Radio show on Monday, January 8 at 6 pm EST.

Happy New Year everyone!

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